Islamabad, Feb 8: /DNA/ – The Ambassador of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Kistafin presented the Kazakhstan national award to Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary during the launching ceremony of the proceedings of global Al-Farabi forum held on Monday.

The Ambassador said that it is his honour to present national award of Kazakhstan to Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary. He said that Dr. Chouhdary is representing the modern scientific community to promote science and this award is being given in recognition of his services to Kazakhstan.

Dr. Choudhary said that he has been engaged with Kazakhstan since 1988 for the development of capacity in chemistry and biochemistry. He helped Kazakhstan in establishing many laboratories and institutions. He has supervised many PhD students of Kazakhstan and he is teaching chemistry course.

Dr. Choudhary said that this is very important to celebrate the contributions of great Muslim scholars, such as Abu Nasr Al-Farabi. He said that proceedings present best writings on the contributions of Al-Farabi. The objective is to build the legacy of this great scholar for new generation.

Dr. Naazir Mahmood said that the proceedings of Al-Farabi forum contains multi-dimensional aspects of work and life of the great scholar – Al-Farabi. He proposed that it should be translated into many other languages so that a vast number of people can get benefit from this account. Dr. Naazir said that we can learn four things from this composition. First, live a very active life, second, transform from speech community to discourse one, third, convert from discourse culture to composition culture to write your discourse, inculcate culture of openness and tolerance to nurture culture of debate and learning from each other, fourth, spend more in science – science includes both material and social sciences.

Dr. Khurshid Hasanain, Advisor COMSTECH introduced the Global Al-Farabi Forum and its proceedings and said that COMSTECH is in process of completing the science, technology and innovation profiles of the OIC member states.