Says Pakistani youth has immense talent and potential

Staff Report

LAHORE: Adam M. Tugio, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Pakistan has stated that, ‘Batik’ is Indonesia’s most developed and ancient art forms, it is an expression through which one can express and convey their inspiration, feelings and message.

He highlighted that this art form can be modified and used with many other art forms, mentioning the example of Pakistani truck art and the art of Pakistan’s provinces, the ambassador stated that BATIK can be connected to all of them.

Furthermore, to introduce BATIK in Pakistan and to boost cultural connectivity and people to people contact, he announced a BATIK competition for students of Pakistan. He emphasized that winners will be invited to Indonesia so they may have a first-hand experience of being trained in BATIK and exploring the culture of Indonesia. He said, I’m very proud to know that BATIK is already very popular in Pakistan as it is now part of the curriculum of University college of Arts and Design, University of the Punjab, Lahore. He appreciated the talented young students of the University and was of the view that Pakistani youth has immense talent and potential to excel in different fields and make Pakistan part of the global supply chain.

While discussing about the shared religious, cultural and historical ties, he shared an interesting video about the similarities between Pakistan and Indonesia.

Prof. Dr. Saleem Mazhar, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of the Punjab, Lahore expressed his gratitude to His ExcellencyAdam M. Tugiofor praising the students and motivating them to do more.

He further stated that, in the contemporary times international and national connectivity is of great significance. In this regard, CGSS has been a huge support for University of the Punjab, Lahore as it has been instrumental in promoting the students and academia, internationally.

Prof. Dr. Sumera Jawad, Principal, University College of Arts and Design, University of the Punjab, Lahore emphasized that students of  University  College of Arts and Design have worked really hard for the exhibition. She states that they are excited and passionate to further introduce innovative ideas and  creative mediums by using BATIK.

Dr. Fozia Hadi, Director, Regional Integration Center (RIC), University of the Punjab, Lahore shared that the word Batik is derived from the Javanese word ‘amba’, means ‘to write’, the suffix ‘titik’ means little dot or to make dots.  Dr. Ansa Mubashra, Incharge, Textile Design Department, University College of Arts and Design, University of the Punjab, Lahore delivered the closing remarks.