Chairman appreciates excellent performance of NAB KP


ISLAMABAD, Jan 10 /DNA/ – Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB chaired a meeting to review the performance of NAB Khyber Pakhtunkhwa especially conviction made under Section 10 of National Accountability Ordinance (NAO)-1999 and under Section 25 (b) of NAO-1999 from Oct 10, 2017 to Dec 31, 2021 at NAB Headquarters. Zahir Shah, Deputy Chairman NAB, Syed Asghar Haider, Prosecutor General Accountability (PGA), DG Operations and other senior officers of NAB attended the meeting whereas Brig (R) Farooq Naser Awan, DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa participated in the meeting via video link. During the meeting Brig (R) Farooq Naser Awan, DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa informed the meeting that under the dynamic leadership of Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB, during the period from October 10, 2017 to Dec 31, 2021, 53x accused persons have been convicted under section 10 of NAO-1999 whereas 36 x convictions under 25(b) of the NAO-1999 .

During the meeting, Brig (R) Farooq Naser Awan, DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa informed that u has been recovered under the dynamic leadership of Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB, NAB KP has been recovered Rs. 1117.68Million under section 10(a) of the NAO-1999 and Rs. 671.044 Million has been recovered under section 25(b) of the NAO-1999since 2017 to 2021. Moreover, fines of Rs. 487.40386 Million have been imposed under section 10 of the NAO-1999 from 2017 to 2021.

During the meeting, Brig (R) Farooq Naser Awan, DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, informed that during the year 2017, under the dynamic leadership of Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, fine of Rs. 24.57338 Million have been imposed on 5 x convicted persons under section 10 of the NAO-1999 along-with rigorous imprisonment. The details are as under:

1.      State vs. Alla Uddin

a.       Accused Alla Uddin was convicted by the Accountability Court on 11-10-2017 with 3 years R.I and a fine of Rs.16.708 Million.

2.      State vs. Ameer Muhammad Durrani & others, Ex Section Officer, Administration Dept. Civil Secretariat KP

2.      Accused Ameer Muhammad Durrani was convicted on 25.11.2017 to undergo 03 years R.I with fine of Rs.2.579882 Million

3.      Accused Ijaz convicted with 04 years R.I and a fine of Rs.3.979 Million

4.      Accused Bilqias was convicted with 02 years R.I and a fine of Rs.1.3065 Million.

3.      State vs. Muhammad Yasir

5.      Accused Muhammad Yasir convicted (for the undergone imprisonment) on 11.12.2017.

During the meeting, Brig (R) Farooq Naser Awan, DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, informed that during the year 2018, under the dynamic leadership of Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, 25x accused persons were convicted under section 10 of the NAO-1999 wherein fine of Rs. 306.4251 Million have been imposed on24 x convicted persons under section 10 of the NAO-1999 along-with rigorous imprisonment while 1x accused person has been sentenced to rigorous imprisonment only.

The details are as under:

A.     In State vs. Abdul Nasir UBL Cash officers

1.      The Accused Abdul Nasir was convicted with a fine of Rs.1.1028 Million on 12.01.2018.

B.     In State vs. Mehmood Ul Hassan & others cheating public at large

2.      Accused Usman &

3.      Accused Roshan Din was convicted on 16.02.2018and a collective fine of Rs.3.84875 Million was imposed.

C.     In State vs. Ayaz Ul Haq cheating public at large

4.      Accused convicted on 17.03.2018to suffer 7x R.I with fine of Rs.15 Million.

D.     In State vs.Niamat Khan &Naeemullah

5.      Accused convicted on 14.03.2018and sentenced to undergo 4x years R.I with fine of Rs.6.45 Million.

E.      In State vs. Farhad Sajid & others Misuse of authority

6.      Co-accused Ghulam Muhammad convicted with fine of Rs.0.25 Million

7.      Co-accused Shoukat Ali convicted with fine of Rs.0.2 Million &

8.      Co-accused Abdullah Jan convicted with fine of Rs.0.4 Million on 12.05.2018.

F.      In State vs. Muhammad Irfan & another Chief Cashier Al-Baraka Bank

9.      The accused Muhammad Irfan&

10.  Another Chief Cashierconvicted on 08.06.2018 by the Accountability Court with a fine of Rs.52.060222 Million.

G.     In State vs.NeelamPari& another Cheating public at large

11.  The accused Neelam Pari

12.  Another accused was convicted on 21.07.2018 with a fine of Rs.2.607 Million.

H.     In State vs.Waqas& others Cheating public at large

13.  Co-accused Abdullah was sentenced to two years and two days R.I with fine of Rs.8.843333 Million on 23.07.2018.

I.        In State vs. Muhammad Usman & another Cheating public at large

14.  Accused convicted on 31.07.2018 and fined Rs.2 Million.

J.       In State vs. Muhammad Saeed Assets beyond means

15.  On 15.09.2018, the accused was convicted with 2x years R.I & fine of Rs. 10 Million.

K.     In State vs. Qazi Abu Bakar& others Cheating public at large

16.  On 18.09.2018, accused Qazi Abu Bakar convicted / undergone with fine of Rs.6.356 Million,

17.  Co-accused Basit is also convicted / undergone a fine of Rs.3.453 Million.

L.      In State vs. Adil Khan Cheating public at large

18.  On 27.09.2018, the accused was convicted with a fine of Rs.169.55 Million.

M.    State vs. Noor Muhammad Misuse of authority

19.  On 20.10.2018, the accused was convicted with 2x Years R.I only.

N.     State vs. Mumtaz Ali Khan & others

20.  On 06.11.2018, accused convicted to undergo 2x years R.I with fine of Rs.7.846 Million,

21.  Co-accused Munir convicted to undergo 2x years R.I with fine of Rs.3.333 Million,

22.  Co-accused Asad Javed convicted with fine of Rs.5.013 Million,

23.  Co-accused Akbar convicted to undergo 2 years R.I with fine of Rs.5.013 Million  &

24.  Jamshed (Late) convicted with fine of Rs.2.813 Million.

O.     State vs.Gulzar Ali Misuse of authority

25.  On 21.07.2018, the accused was convicted / undergone a fine of Rs.0.286 Million.

During the meeting, Brig (R) Farooq Naser Awan, DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, informed that during the year 2019, under the dynamic leadership of Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, fine of Rs. 56.4889 million have been imposed on6 x convicted persons under section 10 of the NAO-1999 with rigorous imprisonment. The details are as under:

A.     State vs.Murid Kazim Misuse of authority

1.      On 20.02.2019, accused Murid Kazim was convicted.

B.     State vs. Sher Jan &Zahidullah, Cheating public at large

2.      On 31.05.2019, accused Sher Jan convicted to undergo 3 Years R.I with fine of Rs.1.968 Million,

3.      Co-accused Zahidullah convicted to undergo 3x years R.I with fine of           Rs. 7.3975 Million.

C.     State vs. Sher Jan &Zahidullah, Cheating public at large

4.      On 09.08.2018, co-accused Nadeem Shad convicted to undergo 3x years R.I with fine of Rs.45.8234 Million.

D.     State vs. Khalid Saleem Misuse of authority

5.      On 13.12.2019, co-accused Samiullah was convicted to undergo 1 year R.I with fine of Rs.0.3 Million.

6.      Accused Fazal Qadeem was also convicted to undergo 3 years R.I with fine of Rs.1 Million.

During the meeting, Brig (R) Farooq Naser Awan, DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, informed that during the year 2020, under the dynamic leadership of Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, an amount of Rs. 456.34 has been recovered from 5 x convicted persons under section 10(a) of the NAO-1999; while fines of Rs. 63.24881 have been imposed on 4 x convicted persons along-with rigorous imprisonment. The details are as under:

A.     State vs. Yousaf Ali & another, Assets beyond means

1.       On 27.02.2020, the accused was convicted with a fine of Rs.17.7 Million.

B.     State vs. Rashid Jamil Private person

2.      On 03.03.2020, the accused was convicted to undergo 7 Years R.I with fine of Rs.18.84 Million.

C.     State vs. Gul Hameed SHO, Bannu Police

3.      On 19.03.2020, the accused was convicted to undergo 1 Year R.I with fine of Rs.10 Million.

D.     State vs.Allauddin Ex-Postmaster

4.      On 21.12.2020, the accused was convicted to undergo 3 years R.I with fine of Rs.16.708809 Million.

E.      In Reference Shah Wali Khan, properties worth Rs.95 Million were recovered from accused under section 10 (a) of the NAO, 1999.

F.      State vs. M. RafiqBangash Ex SDO C&W, properties worth Rs. 80 Million were recovered under section 10 (a) of the NAO, 1999.

G.     In Reference Yousaf Ali, properties worth Rs. 12.5 Million was recovered from the accused under section 10 (a) of the NAO, 1999.

H.     In Reference Nuzhat Begum vs. State, properties worth Rs. 81 Million were recovered from accused under section 10 (a) of the NAO, 1999.

I.        In Reference Ikram Shah, properties worth Rs. 187.84 Million was recovered from the accused under section 10 (a) of the NAO, 1999.

During the meeting, Brig (R) Farooq Naser Awan, DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, informed that during the year 2021, under the dynamic leadership of Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal,an amount of Rs. 661.34 has been recovered from 6 x convicted persons under section 10(a) of the NAO-1999; while fines of Rs. 36.66767 have been imposed on 6 x convicted persons along-with rigorous imprisonment. The details are as under:

J.       State vs. Tariq Fawad Malik &Anees Kausar

1.      On 31.03.2021, co-accused Anees Kausar convicted with fine of Rs.0.5 Million and sentenced to imprisonment till the rising of the Court.

K.     State vs. Naseem Gul & another, cheating public at large

2.      On 13.09.2021, accused Naseem Gul convicted to undergo 4 years R.I with fine of Rs.19.872868 Million

3.      Accused Kashif Zeb is also convicted to suffer 4 Years R.I with fine of Rs. 16.2948 Million.

L.      State vs. Abdul Hakeem Siddiqui & others

4.      Accused Abdul Hakeem,

5.      Atta Ur Rahman&

6.      Amir Malik was convicted on 11.11.2021 till rising of the Court.

M.    In Reference State vs. Abdul Haleem properties worth Rs. 5 Million were recovered from accused under section 10 (a) of the NAO, 1999.

N.     State vs. M. RafiqBangash properties worth Rs. 15 Million was recovered under section 10 (a) of the NAO, 1999.

O.     In Reference Yousaf Ali properties worth Rs. 200 Million were recovered from the accused under section 10 (a) of the NAO, 1999.

P.      In Reference Nuzhat Begum vs. State properties worth Rs. 100 Million was recovered from accused under section 10 (a) of the NAO, 1999.

Q.     In Reference M.AzamHoti properties worth Rs. 1400 Million were recovered from accused under section 10 (a) of the NAO, 1999.

R.      In Reference State vs. Mian Hisamud Din  properties worth Rs. 30 Million was recovered from accused under section 10 (a) of the NAO, 1999.

During the meeting, DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa informed that during the year 2021, due to the efforts of NAB-Khyber Pakhtuykhwa02 xpersons were convicted by different Accountability Courts under section 25(b) of the NAO-1999 and Rs.460.83million has been recovered. The details are as under:

1.            Investigation against Muhammad Hasnain s/o Sajjad Ahmed & Others Regarding Cheating Public at Large on Pretext of Hajj accused Raiz Ahmed was convicted by the Accountability Court an amount of Rs. 4.83 million was recovered from the accused.

2.            Investigation against Officers / Officials of AuqafDeptt KP and others regarding misuse of authority/Corruption and Corrupt practices in the Auction of commercial and agricultural Waqf properties in Peshawar, Mardan and Abbottabad.Accused Ashraf Ali was convicted by the Accountability Court and state land measuring 256 Kanal worth Rs. 456 Million was surrendered / returned to Govt. exchequer.

DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa also informed the meeting that during the year 2019, due to the efforts of NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 6 x persons were convicted by different Accountability Courts under section 25(b) of the NAO-1999, an amount of Rs. 4.37 million has been recovered. The details are as under:

1.            In investigation against officers / officials of FATA Secretariat and others regarding embezzlement of funds in Development Projects of C&W Deptt FR Tank and PHE Deptt FR D.I.Khan accused Ali Bat Khan, M. Ayub Khan, Mir Aslam Khan and Mashad Gul were convicted by the Accountability Court u/s 25(b) in the year 2019 and an amount of Rs. 1.24 million was recovered.

2.            Investigation against Olas Khan, PD Officers / officials of Project titled “Water conservation & Productivity Enhancement through High Efficiency Irrigation System (HEIS) in Pakistan wherein accused Hamad Khan was convicted by the Accountability Court and an amount of Rs. 1.33 Million was recovered under section 25(b) of the NAO-1999.

3.            Investigation against Nusrat Ullah Proprietor of World Travel Agency, Islamabad & Others accused Hafiz Muhammad Jameel was convicted by the Accountability Court, an amount of Rs. 1.8 Million was recovered from the accused under section 25(b) of the NAO-1999.

DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa also informed the meeting that during the year 2018, due to the efforts of NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 08 xpersons were convicted by different Accountability Courts under section 25(b) of the NAO-1999 and an amount of Rs. 196.542 million has been recovered. The details are as under:

1.            Investigation against Muhammad Ayaz Qureshi Distt Accounts Officer Battagram & others regarding misuse of authority accused Nazia Hassan d/o Taj Muhammad was convicted by the Accountability Court, an amount of Rs. 0.263 million was recovered from the accused under section 25(b)of the NAO-1999.

2.            Investigation against Tariq Hayat Khan Ex DG GDA, Officials of GDA & others accused Israrud Din Shinwari was convicted by the Accountability Court. The accused surrendered Plot Measuring 12 Marla of Rs. 6.9 M.

3.            State vs. Juma Sher & others.The legal heirs of accused Jamsher Khan s/o Jamat Khan was convicted by the Accountability Court u/s 25(b) of 1999 and an amount of Rs. 39.810 million was recovered from them.

4.            State vs. Fazal Ahad Managing Director Blue City & others- cheating public at large on pretext of investment in blue city Housing scheme accused Fazal Ahad was convicted by the Accountability Court, an amount of Rs. 2.814 million was recovered from the accused under section 25(b)of the NAO-1999.

5.            Investigation against officers/officials of FATA Secretariat and others regarding embezzlement of funds in Development Projects of C&W Deptt FR Tank and PHE Deptt FR D.I.Khan accused Muhammad Aslam Khan and Ainud Din were convicted by the Accountability Court; an amount of Rs. 1.38 million was recovered from the accused.

6.            Investigation against Hamad Awais Agha, Ex-Secretary Local Govt. Deptt KP, Hifz-ur-Rehman, Ex-Secretary Local GovtDeptt KP, Officers / Officials of Local GovtDeptt KP, CEO/Directors of M/S Ideal Hydrotech Systems Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd (IHSPL) and others regarding embezzlement in of funds allocated for “clean drinking water for all” project to install 1159 Water filtration plants in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.Accused Muhammad Ramzan Sheikh was convicted by the Accountability Court u/s 25(b)of the NAO 1999 and an amount of Rs. 145.375 million was recovered from him.

DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa also informed the meeting that during the year 2017, due to the efforts of NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 20 x persons were convicted by different Accountability Courts under section 25(b) of the NAO-1999 and an amount of Rs.9.302Million has been recovered. The details are as under:

1.            Investigation against Muhammad Tariq Awan Ex Secretary WWB & others – Corruption & corruption practices in acquisition of land measuring 400 Kanals Mouza Dad Ismail Khel Nowshera. Accused Sami Ullah was convicted by Accountability Court u/s 25(b) of NA 1999 to the tune of Rs. 1.029 Million which was recovered by NAB in the same year.

2.            State vs. Malik Habib & others. Accused Shakeel Ahmed was convicted by Accountability Court u/s 25(b) of NA 1999 to the tune of Rs. 0.4 Million which was recovered by NAB.

3.            Investigation against Muhammad Ayaz Qureshi Distt Accounts Officer Battagram & others regarding misuse of authority. Accused persons Aziz urRahman, Kiran Qayyum, Naeema. ZarqaRoniq, Saira Gul, SaimaNoorin,IrumAmjad & Naveeda Tariq were convicted by Accountability Court u/s 25(b) of NA 1999 to the tune of Rs. 2.378 Million which was recovered by NAB.

4.            Investigation against Contractors of Municipal corporation Kohat & others PK-3 regarding irregularities in tenders in MPAs funds accused Mehmood Ali, Hafeez Ur Rehman, Akif Afridi, Rashid Khan, Mansoor Ala, Gul Mast, Ghulam Hussan Haider, Fazal Mehmood, Ghulam Nasir were convicted by the Accountability Court, an amount of Rs. 3.146 million was recovered.

5.            Investigation against Officers / Officials of C&W Deptt Charsadda and Others regarding embezzlement of funds on up-gradation of Muhammad Nari BHU to RHC in Distt Charsadda. Accused Muhammad Iqbal s/o Shashti Gul was convicted by Accountability Court u/s 25(b) of NA 1999 to the tune of Rs. 2.349 Million which was recovered by NAB in 2017.

The Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB said that the excellent performance of NAB Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has contributed well in the overall performance of NAB. He appreciated the performance of all ranks of NAB officers/officials under the supervision of Brig (R) Farooq Naser Awan, DG NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and hoped that NAB-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will continue to perform its functions in future with the same zeal and commitment in accordance with law. He said that logical conclusion of mega corruption and white collar crime cases are the top most priority of NAB. He said that NAB’s faith is corruption free Pakistan. All officers of NAB are working with renewed energy and dedication considering eradication of corruption as their national duty.