Echo of Gul-Aslam tiff reaches corridors of standing committee


ISLAMABAD, NOV 29 (DNA) – The echo of the tiff between Minister of State for Climate Change Zartaj Gul and SAPM on Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam at the recently-concluded COP-26 moot in Glasgow has reached the corridors of the standing committee on climate change.

The standing committee on climate change has decided to launch a probe into the allegations of a brawl between the two government officials which was vehemently denied by Ms Gul. The committee sought the details of all the members which went to attend the global conference in Scotland.

Talking to media, Ms Gul said that she went to the UK on Prime Minister Imran Khan’s instructions but she herself bore expenses of her tour. She said she never violated any government order. She denied any differences with the prime minister.

She said that ministers’ level delegation could not go abroad without the PM Office’s permission and she never took any foreign tour without the permission of PM Imran Khan. “I had to cast my vote in the joint parliamentary session and my vote was important.

 So I cut short my tour and came back,” she said. She said she was surprised who was giving these false news to media. She said a news came from the PAC.  She said a report regarding her differences with the prime minister had surfaced. She denied it saying she did not have any differences with him. = DNA
