EU Delegation launches Business Forum to facilitate Pakistani SMEs


Ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan Mrs Androulla Kaminara said, “We are confident that the business community – especially the small and medium enterprises will take full benefit from the upcoming EU-Pakistan Business Forum


ISLAMABAD:  The Delegation of the European Union to Pakistan is launching the first-ever EU-Pakistan Business Forum on 8 September 2021 in Islamabad to provide opportunities for both the EU and Pakistani businesses for bilateral trade enhancement, H. E. Mrs Androulla Kaminara said, while addressing media experts   The inauguration ceremony of the EU-Pakistan Business Forum for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) is expected to be attended by the representatives of local SMEs from four key sectors including:  Gems, Jewellery and Mining, Information Technology, Handicrafts and Fashion-wear as well as Travel and Tourism.

During the first Islamabad session, the participants will be informed about the European Union’s GSP+ Scheme and the ways to benefit from the scheme.

GSP+ provides two thirds of tariff lines duty free access to the EU market with the rest on preferential duties. In subsequent meetings of the EU-Pakistan Business Forum later this year, more sectors including the agricultural and auto-parts manufacturers, will also be included.

Ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan Mrs Androulla Kaminara said, “We are confident that the business community – especially the small and medium enterprises will take full benefit from the upcoming EU-Pakistan Business Forum and establish the right linkages to expand their trade in the EU market while the EU granted GSP+ concessions are in place.” The first part of the EU-Pakistan Business Forum in Islamabad will be followed by subsequent meetings in Lahore and Karachi later this year.