Photography book launched at the Pakistan High Commission London


LONDON: A photography book entitled “The Karakoram – Ice Mountains of Pakistan” by acclaimed landscape photographer Colin Prior was launched at the Pakistan High Commission London on 28 July 2021. The book is a descriptive and visual compilation of Prior’s several visits to Pakistan’s Gilgit-Baltistan region to photograph the mountains and capture their beauty.

In his remarks on the occasion, High Commissioner Moazzam Ahmad Khan congratulated Colin Prior on publishing a masterpiece that brought to greater light the unique natural beauty of northern areas of Pakistan.  He appreciated the efforts that went into producing the book, which, he said, couldn’t have been possible without tremendous compassion for nature.
Mentioning positive reviews of Pakistan as a tourism destination by leading travel publications and organizations, he said that Pakistan tourism was poised to grow exponentially.

Colin Prior made an illustrated presentation and shared personal experiences and recollections of his travels to the region. He said:
“Having made six, month long expeditions to the Karakoram Mountains, I am delighted, finally, to see the project published in my latest book, The Karakoram – Ice Mountains of Pakistan.
“My hope is that this book will raise awareness of The Karakoram Mountains, in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan, as the finest mountain range in the world and showcase, what I believe, to be the world’s most spectacular gallery of shape and form.”
In addition to the High Commission, Bestway Group, Rangoonwala Foundation, United Bank Ltd. Habib Bank Ltd. and Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) partly sponsored the publishing of the book by Merrell Publishers.
It was a well-attended event.