Quality Health Services in Punjab


By Hamid Javaid Awan

Punjab government has Introduces revolutionary reforms in the health sector in a short period of time to provide quality healthcare services  to the people Universal Health Insurance is  government’s flagship program under which, free medical  treatment facilities will be made available to 110 million people by December 31.

The program has been started in Dera Ghazi Khan and Sahiwal Divisions. Each family will get treatment facilities of Rs. 720,000 annually. Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Bazdar said that our government has introduced revolutionary reforms in the health sector in a short span of time.  The purpose of these reforms is to provide quality healthcare to the public in hospitals. 

He said that the total budget of the health sector has been increased by 118 percent in the last three years and Rs. 369 billion has been allocated for the current financial year while Rs. 1.5 billion has been allocated for the purchase of Corona vaccine.  Chief Minister Usman Bazdar said that Universal Health Insurance Program is the flagship program of our government under which every citizen will get free treatment and every family will get standard treatment facilities of Rs. 720,000 per year absolutely free of cost.

 He said that this program has been started in Dera Ghazi Khan and Sahiwal divisions and by December 31, 110 million people of the province would be provided free medical treatment. Punjab Government has given due priority to Primary and Secondary Health Care Facilities both in urban and rural areas of Punjab with the objective to make Basic Health Unit Rural Health Center Tehsil Headquarters Hospital and District Headquarters Hospital fully functional. during the first second third and fourth wave of COVID 19 Punjab Government managed smart lock down efficiently and  conducted vaccination Program In the province in an organized manner.

No doubt all the other allied departments join hands with health authorities and made is possible to undertake vaccination and preventive measures In accordance with directions of concerened authorities Local administration as well as police department also rendered meritorious services implemented the directions issued by the Chief Minister Punjab to prevent COVID-19 in letter and spirit. Provision of Health Card to deserving persons is a remarkable program  started In accordance with the vison of  Minister of Pakistan is continued  speedily aiming to provide state of the Art Health Facility to common man.

As for as fourth wave of COVID 19 is concerned once again it is a challenge for government specially for the Health Department to  manage the preveling situation by adopting appropriate preventive measures to overcome this challange. Punjab Government has issued SOP’s for the masses to safeguard them to become the victim of this fatal virus.