Biden’s B3W too late to challenge BRI, CPEC: Experts


Devcom-Pakistan webinar highlights that the five big powers of the region – China, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan may come to a formal collaboration against the US hegemonic interventions in the region. The US shall learn from its defeat in Afghanistan and other wars and refrain from such adventures in future.   

Islamabad – Speaking at a webinar on Saturday, the experts said the US is making its utmost efforts to ignite a new cold war in the region and this time against China. The Build Back Better World (B3W) is apparently a copycat project of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that has engaged 140 countries by now.  

They said the B3W partnership of G-7 countries would take longtime to mature any outline of actual interventions. The big question is where the huge money would come from whereas the G-7 nations and the private sector will not compromise their trade and economic ties with China. The other big issue with the US is credibility. Now even the long-time allies don’t trust the US anymore blindly. Over the decades, the world has seen the US as a war monger looking for an enemy all the time. In the circumstances, the B3W seems to be merely a political propaganda against China.

Development Communications Network (Devcom-Pakistan) and DTN organized the webinar on Saturday on the subject, “Biden’s G-7 Build Back Better World (B3W) and emerging situation in the region”. The panelists included chairman Senate Standing Committee on Defence Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, former chief ISI and geopolitical analyst Lt. General Retd Muhammad Asad Durani, political activist and geopolitical commentator Reham Khan (London), geopolitical researcher Soumya Awasthi (Delhi) and chairman Centre for Diplomatic and Political Affairs Tolga Sakman (Istanbul).

Geopolitical commentator and Devcom-Pakistan Executive Director Munir Ahmed hosted and moderated the webinar. While introducing the subject, Munir Ahmed said, “B3W is an apparent tool to challenge the deep-rooted BRI for obvious reasons. Through B3W, the G7 and other like-minded partners will coordinate in mobilizing private-sector capital in four areas of focus—climate, health and health security, digital technology, and gender equity and equality—with catalytic investments from the respective development finance institutions. As described, B3W will be global in scope, from Latin America and the Caribbean to Africa to the Indo-Pacific. Different G7 partners will have different geographic orientations, but the sum of the initiative will cover low- and middle-income countries across the world.”

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed the US has lost its credibility over the years. No one is willing to trust whatever plans the US offer in partnership with other developed countries. At the moment, the US is withdrawing from Afghanistan as a defeated country, and without any settled accord among stakeholders. The rise of the Taliban has increased the security concerns for the region. In this situation, no country is willing to trust G7 and the US. Pakistan has already refused the US for air-bases. The new Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has already strongly condemned the US approach towards Iran.

He said the B3W will not be able to take off as a challenge to the BRI. Only India is expected to join it being the US ally against China despite its many economic interests associated with neighbouring China.

The Indian expert Soumya Awasthi said the B3W is expected to have more transparent and accountable mechanisms being a multipartite initiative to challenge BRI. Nothing is clear as to how it would compete with BRI or curtail China’s economic growth while the big question is where the money comes from? And why would the private sector invest in the social sector where the returns of the investment are not ensured. On the other hand, the G-7 countries did not work out anything post-Covid.

Lt General Retd Asad Durrani said the US did not learn from its mistakes in the previous wars and armed conflicts. Another cold war in the region will be another big mistake while all the big countries in the region are against the US hegemonic interventions in the region, and somehow are part of the BRI and CPEC. As many as five countries Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, China and Russia are on the same page and against the US except India. They all are opposing the US and at any time they may come together to collaborate with each other for the US aggressive designs.

The Turkish expert Tolga Sakman said the B3W as a G7 partnership is not attractive to Turkey and it has many geopolitical flaws. Turkey will not be against China in any case, rather will support by all means for regional connectivity and economic prosperity.

Reham Khan said the G7 countries have their own strategic and economic interests with China. Even if they were able to launch B3W most of the stakeholders and partners within the G7 and the US will not go against China. Biden’s B3W is not being supported by its Congress and what to expect from others.