Moroccan King directs to assist minor migrants



ISLAMABAD – 1. His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God Assist Him, reiterates his Very High Instructions to the Ministers in charge of the Interior and of Foreign Affairs to definitively settle the issue of unaccompanied Moroccan minors in an illegal situation in certain European countries.

3.    Cooperation mechanisms have been set up for this purpose with certain countries, in particular France and Spain, which have resulted in the returning of several dozen of minors to Morocco.

4.   The delays noted in the implementation of this cooperation are mainly linked to blockages caused by the complex procedures in some European countries

5.   Morocco is the first country concerned by certain circles of civil society, or even criminal networks, which use the supposedly precarious conditions of minors as a pretext to exploit them.

6.    Morocco is ready to collaborate, as it has always done, with European countries and the European Union (EU), for the settlement of this issue.

7.    The Kingdom hopes that the EU and the countries concerned will be able to overcome the procedural constraints to facilitate this operation.

8.    Morocco once again regrets that the migration issue, including the issue of unaccompanied minors, is used as an alibi in order to circumvent the real causes of the current political crisis with Spain, whose origins and foundations are well known.

9.    The Moroccan authorities reserve the right to provide, at the right time, the appropriate responses to the unfounded accusations of the Spanish government.