SRINAGAR, APR 4 – Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement (JKSM) central executive committee and office bearers of South Kashmir on Sunday conducted a day-long Majlish Shoora (Executive Council) meeting at its head office in South Kashmir. The members in the meeting deliberated in detail, the current political situation pertaining to the “movement for the right to self-determination”, a spokesperson said in a statement.

The meeting besides others was attended by Ab Rouf, Ab Qayoom, Zulifqar Hamid Molvi Rafiq Ahmad, Farooq Ahmad, Mohammad Ayoub and others.

The participants in a unanimous voice termed the Kashmir dispute as an unfinished agenda of the partition of India in 1947, saying the unresolved issue since the last 74 years has resulted in bloodshed and political uncertainty in the region. The meeting warned Indian authorities saying their rigid and unrealistic approach has endangered the peace process in the sub-continent. Kashmir issue has its political and untoward consequences and there are possible chances of greater war between the two nuclear powers of Sub-Continent, they warned.

Participants blamed the stubborn attitude of Indian authorities for continuous bloodshed & said that for the last several decades, people in the state are facing a war-like situation. People are facing extreme situations, they said and added that people are braving the bullets, pelts and atrocities at the hands of arrogant forces.
The executive members expressed dismay on the Indian arrogance not to read the writing on the wall and resort to the policies of oppression and repression while dealing with the popular voice for the right to self-determination.
We will never succumb or surrender to the “military might and pressure of India”, they added.
Expressing their grave concern over the “rampant use of oppressive and suppressive measures” by forces and SOG during the cordon and search operations in villages of South Kashmir and Kakpora Pulwama wherein 10 youth have been detained.

The participants while hailing the sentiments and sprits of the freedom-loving people urged to remain vigilant, steadfast and well-disciplined to take the sacred mission of their resistance movement to its logical conclusion irrespective of the use of “military might by India.

Meanwhile, Chairman JKSM Altaf Ahmed Bhat also paid tributes to the martyrs of Shopian and Kakpora and expressed hope that the people of the state, keeping in view the precious sacrifices by our youth shall keep a close vigil on the ongoing movement so that it reaches its destination. They extended their condolences to the bereaved family of slain youth.