French Ambassador Marc Barety leaving


Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Ambassador of France Marc Barety is leaving Pakistan after completing his term of office. He is expected to leave in July this year.

According to diplomatic sources the ambassador is set to leave in this summer. The French ambassador will be completing his term. Sources say, Ambassador is not leaving Pakistan because the Tehreek-e-Laibaik Pakistan (TLP) has demanded so, rather he is leaving after completing his tenure.

Ambassador Barety during his tenure contributed significantly towards promotion and further strengthening of bilateral relations between the two countries. During his tenure, both countries achieved a number of milestones.

The French embassy under his leadership also arranged many cultural events and as sources claim a number of events were still in the pipeline when coronavirus pandemic suddenly appeared on the scene and all such activities were discontinued.

It was during his tenure that the French Club was also closed down and the venue turned into a cultural centre. Many a event including the exhibition by the French speaking countries took place in the French Club after its turning into a cultural center.