295.8 thsd foreigners passed registration in Kyrgyzstan


295 thousand 891 foreign citizens and stateless persons were registered on the territory of Kyrgyzstan from January 1 to November 29, 2020, according the press service of the State Registration Service (SRS) of the Kyrgyz Republic.

141 thousand 482 of them are citizens of Russia, 20 thousand 519 – citizens of Kazakhstan.

In November of this year, the SRS registered 37 thousand 935 foreign citizens and stateless persons, of which: 17 thousand 893 citizens of Russia, 2 thousand 315 citizens of Kazakhstan.

“According to the Procedure for registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, approved by the government of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 19, 2016, citizens of Russia and Kazakhstan are exempt from registration in Kyrgyzstan for a period of 30 days,” the report said.

The SRS reminds that foreign citizens and stateless persons arriving in the territory of Kyrgyzstan must go through the registration procedure. The registration procedure is carried out in any territorial passport divisions, regardless of the place of stay, through the automated information system “Registration of foreigners” and online registration is available on the SRS e-services portal portal.srs.kg.