Nayyab Ali gets Franco-German HR award



ISLAMABAD: To mark the Human Rights Day, every year since 2016, on 10th of December, Germany and France have been jointly presenting the Franco-German Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law to 15 human rights defenders, as a symbol of the common values carried by Germany and France and an illustration of their joint commitment to the protection and promotion of Human Rights.

This year, and for the second time since its creation, the Franco-German Prize for Human Rights is given to a Pakistani citizen. Ms Nayyab Ali has been presented with this award as an acknowledgment of her tremendous commitment for the defence and promotion of the rights of the transgender community and its inclusion in the Pakistani society.

As a researcher and renowned activist working on gender and minority inclusion issues, Ms Nayyab Ali has been a resource person for building law enforcement agencies’ capacities and sensitization across Pakistan and for tackling the political, institutional and social challenges of the transgender community.

Her expertise, experience and personal journey have led her to become the national coordinator of All Pakistan Transgender Election Network, to be an active member of the special committee formed for the review of the bill which became the Pakistan transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2018 and also to create the first school for Okara’s transgender community. Today, at a ceremony hosted by the German Embassy, German Ambassador, Bernhard Schlagheck, and French Ambassador, Marc Baréty, have jointly presented this award to Ms Ali to pay tribute to her inspiring engagement in favor of the rights of the members of her community and of vulnerable women and children.

The protection of Human rights is one of the overarching objectives of France’s and Germany’s external action, jointly with the European Union. This strong commitment is also reflected in the European Union’s “Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP+)”, granting third countries preferential trade access to the EU market with the condition of implementing a series of international conventions. Pakistan and Pakistani people have been beneficiary of the European Union’s GSP+ since 2014.