President FCCI visits Children Hospital in Faisalabad


Muhammad Tahir

FAISALABAD, OCT 7 – Philanthropists of Faisalabad are generously donating for the welfare activities and a ward has been dedicated for the free treatment of children in Faisalabad Children Hospital, said Engineer Hafiz Ihtasham Javed Khan, President Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI).

He visited the children hospital and said that previous Governments had made lofty and hollow slogans to provide free medical facilities and other basic amenities but they failed to honor their commitments.

He appreciated the allocation of free ward and told that the local business community is fully aware of its CSR (Social Corporate Responsibilities) and is bearing its entire expenses. He said that a number of free hospitals and dispensaries are being run by the FCCI members and assured to fulfill his obligations as President FCCI.

He said that he will inspire FCCI members to provide maximum facilities to the poor and needy segments of the society at their doorsteps.

He also planted a sapling in the lawn of Children Hospital and said that extensive plantation is imperative particularly in Hospitals where fresh oxygen is required to the indoor and outdoor patients. He said that people must be encouraged and motivated to protect the saplings planted by the Government and other NGOs during successive tree plantation campaigns.

Later, he also visited various wards of the hospital and appreciated the administrative qualities of the Medical superintendent Doctor Habib Buttar.