AJK President urges youth to shun prejudices



MUZAFFARABAD, Sept 23: The AJK President Sardar Masood Khan has prevailed upon the public sector universities of Azad Kashmir to prepare the youth of the state in a way that they must shun narrow-mindedness, regional and clan-based approach.

Speaking at “An Evening with Former Vice Chancellors” organized here on Wednesday by the Azad Jammu and Kashmir University, he regretted that today’s youth consider as their right to get an education close to their homes and seek employment there, and in this way they are losing their broad vision and universal thinking,” he added.

Saying that young students should broaden their horizons, the state President said regionalism and tribalism not only give rise to prejudice in society but also block the path of intellectual and material progress.

Our teachers should produce the youth who after completion of education,  do not run from pillar to post to get a job in the government departments, but they provide jobs to others, he said adding that the concept that the educated youth are to get only government job must be done away with now.

Sardar Masood Khan said that proper planning made under the well thought out strategy can not only put the liberated territory on the path of economic self-reliance but it can minimize the economic problems of Pakistan as well. However, for this purpose, it is imperative for the youth to get technical education in different disciplines including artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and quantum computing along with industrial and business expertise.

About the impression of political interference in the universities, the state President said that the universities were not an ocean isolated from our society and environment but they are part of our society, and the politicians also remain under people’s pressure. However, this is the test of the capabilities of the VCs and the administration to make the decisions on the basis of merit and capacity.

On this occasion, VC AJK University Prof Dr Kalim Abbasi while explaining three years achievements said that during this period, problems of three campuses of the university has been resolved, and with the cooperation of the Saudi Government, King Abdullah Campus Chattar Class has been completed and modern educational facilities provided there for more than 5,000 students. Similarly, problems of Hattian and Neelum campus were addressing after getting funds from the Saudi Government, Higher Education Commission and other means.

The function was also addressed by the AJK University VC Prof. Dr Kalim Abbasi, and former VCs Manzoorul Hassan Gilani, Prof. Dr Dilnawaz Ahmed Gardezi, Prof. Dr Ghulam Ghaus, former VC Women’s University Bagh Prof Dr Halim Khan, and former VCs Dr Manzoor Hussain and Prof Dr Khawaja Farooq Ahmed, and attended by VC Mirpur University of Science and Technology Prof. Dr Maqsood Ahmed, former VC Women’s University Bagh Prof Dr Abdul Hameed and other seniors officials.