Written by RabiaNazir

Pakistan’s strategic deterrence overturned Indian sentiments by retaliating on all geographical frontiers, ground, air and sea. 6th September, 1965 is one of those golden days etchedin Pakistan’shistory when the military forces remarkably and courageously countered theiradversaries. Each year, the day is commemorated as a reminiscence of the sacrifices rendered by brave soldiers in the 1965 war with series of events. The events that took place on that historic day to justify the rationality behind celebrating 6th September as an act of valorincountry’s history.

With the frequent and multipleskirmishes in the Rann of Kutch of Southern Pakistan, Lahore, Sialkot, the deserted area of Sindh and Kashmir border where Indian warmongering postures escalated. India played its card beyond war ethics by crossing the borderlines and attacked on the East Pakistan border without consent or warning. The Indian attacks were given befitting response by Pakistan armed forces vulnerable for Indian armed forces; the abrupt retort gave a lesson to India. One of the valiant soldiers, Major Aziz Bhatti mounted against in the defense of the strategically vital BRB canal and to move forward with his platoon under ceaseless artillery and tankattacks for five days and nights. Correspondingly, on the same day, Indian 15th Division was admonished by the Pakistan armed division and infantry division to vacatefrom their starting point. Along with that, Pakistan conquest in abolishing around 120 tanks of India in the Battle of Chawindaresulted in victory of Pakistan. The factors precedethat; Pakistan Army maintains being an honorable and virtuous against the adversaries whether how much the audacity our enemy has. Never had, Pakistan army ever hesitated to fight in the battles like these from India’s front. Rather than that, remembering the Defense day provokes our Pakistan Army to confront the challenges with dynamism, vivaciously, zeal and valiantly. In addition to that, intelligence is also a mechanism to dismantle the enemy’s deception which was also observed in the time of 1965 at all fronts by Pakistan.

In this regard, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) attributed in a responsible manner by demolishing numerous Indian aircraft on ground and aerial warfare.With the patriotism of Pakistan armed forces, the courageous and valiant Flight Lieutenant Yunus Husain fought in the battle ground against 6 adversaries and successfully brought down 2 of Indian pilots. In the interim, when Squadron Leader Sarfraz Ahmad Rafiqui formation of F-86 aircraft attacked Halwara airfield, his formation was intercepted by a larger number of Indian army intervened.He rejected to withdraw from conflicted area and as an alternative he ordered No.2 to amalgamate as a leader and keep the engagement alive. This indicates that even though the circumstances were hostile but PAF coped up to encounter the threat against all odds.Furthermore, it is evident that Pakistan armed forces responded in the credible modus operandi which signifies the valor and professionalism of PAF.

As for the Pakistan Navy (PN), the first Pakistani submarine known as Ghazi, designated during 6th September. The Ghazi was ordered for surveillance at the Bombay Harbor which was surrounded by Indian warship known as Vikrant. In order to secure Pakistan’s coast, Ghazi’s audacious performance was meant to be effective by scrutinizing the heavier units of India rather small vessels. From where Indian warships did not have the courage to run the gauntlet, meanwhile Pakistan Navy was suppressing the Indian fleet.The exemplary success of Operation Dwarka in the wake of 1965-Pakistan-India War was one such incident which became proud part of history of Pakistan. In the heat of war, Indian Navy was focusing mainly at West Pakistan which compelled Pakistan to ensure security of its maritime boundaries in the Arabian Sea as well as Sea Lines of Communication (SLOCs) for uninterrupted trade and commercial activities along with the inland water defence in the creek areas and estuaries of West and East Pakistan against potential Indian amphibious assaults. Essentially these were the tasks successfully being undertaken by Pakistan Navy with comparatively inferior logistics and naval technology than India. In those challenging days, Operation Dwarka emerged as symbol of perseverance and professional capabilities of Pakistan Navy despite all hurdles and naval power imbalance. It was not only a naval mission but had different aspects too. It was beginning of the formal naval warfare between Pakistan and India with a roaring success of Pakistan Navy as preamble to future of naval developments. It acquired the objectives as success of the operation left India licking its wounds and no retaliatory air, naval or amphibious assault was undertaken by Indian forces on the coastline after that. The operation also proved a litmus test for operational preparedness, coordination, and precision of Pakistan Navy as it followed the given plan and achieved its targets including destruction of radar and other city installations, and it was instructed and made sure that no radio communication would be administered which was followed fully. Above all Operation Dwarka lowered the morale of Indian Navy significantly and even one Indian warship INS-Mysore which was stationed close-by at Cochin did not respond to the assault launched by Pakistan Navy.

In the existing contingency, Defense day commemoration witnessesthe encroachment of Indian submarine during March 2019,crossing Pakistan’s territorial waters. Pakistan’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), covering about 290,000 Sq. Km inclusive of extended continental shelf of 50,000 Sq. Km which was approved by United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (UNCLCS) in 2015, which identifies that the territorial waters and seabed are not liable for India to enter. In retaliation, Pakistan detected the Indian submarine with their superior skills of Pakistan Navy by a thwarted meddling of Indian vessel. By evaluating the fact, both manifestations validate the victory of Pakistan in a systematic order with repository facet.

Accurate and compassionate harmony against the adversaries entails Pakistan to craft national cohesion with one agenda. Although Pakistan policies against India have always been prerequisite but Indian malign aggression without any doubt is anticipated at every inducement. Undoubtedly, Pakistan military has invariably showed beyond doubts vis-à-vis to their skills inheritances, however, apart from their capabilities in nuclear weaponsacquisition. The strategic deterrence of Pakistan will always be on stake, therefore, theconspiracies has to be castigated with Indian aggression against the coherence of the Pakistan and human violations. Any catastrophe against Pakistan military who tend tarnish the façade should be reprimanded. Furthermore, Defense day is still a victory of Pakistan military and Pakistan itself by thwarting the nefarious andchicanery actions of India in every war.