Pakistan desires strong linkages with IPU to boost parliamentary diplomacy: Sanjrani



ISLAMABAD, AUG 24 – The Chairman Senate Sadiq Sanjrani has said that parliaments and parliamentarians have a crucial role in the promotion of peace democracy and development and in this regard Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) has made significant contribution through increased institutional linkages and cooperation.

Chairman Senate expressed these in a meeting with President of the IPU Gabriela Cuevas Barron here at the Parliament House on Monday.  Senator in-waiting Mirza Muhammad Afridi was also present during the meeting.

Chairman Senate observed that IPU has grown into a vibrant global entity helping parliaments and representatives to become more effective by sharing best practices and identifying avenues for action.

During the meeting Chairman Senate expressed his satisfaction on the excellent collaboration between IPU and Parliament of Pakistan.

He said that both these institutions have historically cherished the ideas of democracy, peace and development.  Chairman Senate underlined the need for institutional linkages between Senate and IPU Secretariat.

He observed that Pakistan desires strong linkages with IPU as parliamentary diplomacy plays significant role in strengthening relations between nations and people.  He said that Pakistan is keen to strengthening bilateral and multilateral ties through dialogue and mutual respect.

“In line with IPU objective of peace building and protection of human rights, Pakistan has always highlighted Kashmir cause and the atrocities of Indian government in occupied valley from time to time on every international fora including IPU”, Chairman Senate said.

Sadiq Sanjrani further said that COVID-19 pandemic posed challenges, however, Pakistan Senate reached out to all parliaments of the world for greater collaboration amongst the nations to learn from their experiences in containing this pandemic and collaborate with them effectively.  He said that the pandemic is an unprecedented global challenge that has affected every one especially the poor and the marginalized.

President of the IPU, earlier upon reaching the parliament was warmly welcomed by Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani.  She expressed her gratitude for warm reception at parliament.  The IPU President said that Pakistan is an active and vocal member of the IPU.  He said that IPU paces its relations with Parliament of Pakistan at high esteem and values relations between two institutions.  She said that huge scope for mutual collaboration at bilateral and multilateral level to promote democratic values, peace and development.

Later on the IPU President also interacted with Pakistan’s parliamentary delegation to IPU.  The delegation comprised of Senators Mian Raza Rabbani, Sherry Rehman, MNAs Sher Ali Arbab, Shazia Marri and Ihsan ul Haq Tiwana.

Members of the Parliament highlighted the human rights violations in atrocities being committed in Indian occupied Kashmir and plight of Kashmiri people under Indian occupation and curfew.  They also called for adopting in uniform response for sustainable development and coping with the challenges posed by pandemic.  IPU President said that the challenges faced today do not need any permission to cross the borders and a collective response of the democracies across the world is the appropriate option to face the current challenges. DNA
