NAB to take legal action against fake person



Islamabad, AUG 21 – It has come to the notice of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) that a person namely Chaudhry Hamid Wahla is presenting himself in his facebook account as head of recovery of NAB.

Chaudhry Hamid Wahla is not working in NAB and has no link with NAB in any capacity. He is a fake person who is impersonating NAB for his ulterior motives. NAB on the directions of Chairman NAB Justice Javed Iqbal has decided to approach the concerned Govt Department for legal action against Chaudhary Hamid Wahla as per law.

It is worth mentioning here that Honourable Justice Javed immediately

after taking over the responsibilities of Chairman NAB had devised

an anti corruption strategy for eradication of corruption and corrupt practices against the corrupt elements and NAB is strictly adhering to this policy.

In the last more than two years, 11 impersonators, who are involved in looting the people have been handed over by NAB to the relevant departments for legal action against them as per law.

In the best interest of the people, NAB has once again informed them

that the NAB spokesman should be informed immediately if a cheater contacts them for illegal gains, bribe and action. It may be kept in the mind that Chairman NAB Justice Javed Iqbal has strictly prohibited

NAB officers from summoning any accused on telephone and written instructions should be issued in this regard. If the personal appearance

of an accused is required, he should be sent a call up notice in writing and the accused should be met at the mutually agreed time and their

self respect should be upheld and no laxity would be tolerated in this regard.