Date | Total Count | Increase |
10 March | 16 | |
11 March | 19 | 3 |
12 March | 20 | 1 |
13 March | 21 | 1 |
14 March | 28 | 7 |
15 March | 31 | 3 |
16 March | 54 | 23 |
17 March | 187 | 133 |
18 March | 241 | 54 |
19 March | 302 | 61 |
20 March | 454 | 152 |
21 March | 504 | 50 |
22 March | 646 | 142 |
23 March | 784 | 138 |
24 March | 887 | 103 |
25 March | 991 | 104 |
26 March | 1087 | 96 |
27 March | 1197 | 110 |
28 March | 1375 | 178 |
29 March | 1512 | 137 |
30 March | 1613 | 101 |
31 March | 1796 | 183 |
1 April | 2036 | 240 |
2 April | 2252 | 216 |
3 April | 2430 | 178 |
4 April | 2696 | 266 |
5 April | 2866 | 170 |
6 April | 3323 | 457 |
7 April | 3909 | 586 |
8 April | 4131 | 221 |
9 April | 4409 | 278 |
10 April | 4688 | 279 |
11 April | 4922 | 234 |
12 April | 5131 | 209 |
13 April | 5415 | 284 |
14 April | 5779 | 364 |
15 April | 6138 | 359 |
16 April | 6772 | 634 |
17 April | 7234 | 462 |
18 April | 7635 | 401 |
19 April | 8182 | 547 |
20 April | 8643 | 461 |
21 April | 9464 | 821 |
22 April | 10069 | 605 |
There have been 211 deaths from Coronavirus in Pakistan to date.
Six hundred and thirty-four cases were reported between April 20 and April 21, the most for any day.
Volume 0%
A steeper graph means faster growth, a flatter graph indicates a slowdown.
**Graph last updated on April 22 at 12pm.
How we collect, verify and use data
SAMAA Digital’s graph is based on data from the National Institute of Health website. The NIH website has been keeping count since March 11.
It tracks the number of cases for each 24-hour cycle that ends at midnight but updates its total by the next morning. So, for example, Monday’s full number will appear on the website on Tuesday morning.
And because the numbers keep adding up, we see a total count of all confirmed cases leading up to that day.
What else do we do? We match the daily NIH count with each province’s count to make sure there is no discrepancy. We give preference to each province’s verified statements if the NIH count does not match their numbers—although this does not usually happen.
People have given us feedback that the graph in this story is slightly different than the graph on the federal government’s This is happening because we use a different method, as stated above. Their cut-off time appears to be different.
Either way, the shapes of the graphs are largely the same, and thus they both indicate the same trend in Pakistan.