Palestine govt spokesman statement on the 102nd anniversary of the fateful Belfour Declaration


Today the 102nd anniversary of the fateful Belfour Declaration overlooks us. Belfour constituted a historic injustice to a people who became the victim of the lust of imperialism, expansionism and ethnic cleansing whose fallout continues even after the passage of about one century by usurping more lands, violating the international resolutions that called for the establishment of the independent Palestinian state on the borders of 4th June 1967 with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, and the guarantee of the return of the refugees according to UN 194 resolution.

While the Government commends the huge sacrifices of the Palestinian people for a period of one century during which they offered thousands of martyrs, wounded and prisoners, it reiterates its commitment to its stances and policies. It is more determined and resolute until the achievement of freedom and independence. It demands Britain to expedite the removal of that historic injustice by correcting its historic mistake by recognizing the independent Palestinian state on the border of 4th June 1967 with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital. It calls upon the international community to provide protection to the Palestinian people who continue to face various forms of aggression, settlements, looting their wealth, and ethnic cleansing in flagrant violation of all international resolutions which recognized their political and legal rights and the establishment of their state on their soil.