PM Imran Khan briefs Indonesian president about latest Kashmir situation


ISLAMABAD, AUG 11 (DNA) – The telephone call was part of Prime Minister’s outreach to sensitize world leaders about the grave situation in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IoJ&K) resulting from India’s latest unilateral and illegal actions in violation of the UNSC resolutions and international law.This was the first telephonic conversation between the two leaders.The Prime Minister informed President Widodo that IoJ&K remained under a complete clampdown and that there was a serious risk of innocent Kashmiris getting killed in large numbers as a result of enhanced repression by Indian security forces.

The Prime Minister stressed that the international community was duty bound to act to prevent any such calamity from happening.

Prime Minister Imran Khan also apprised President Widodo about Pakistan’s consistent efforts to resolve the long outstanding Kashmir dispute through peaceful means, in accordance with the United Nations Security Council Resolutions. However, India’s intransigence had been the constant obstacle in this regard.

The Prime Minister underscored the need for the international community to play its role in helping resolve this long-standing dispute.

He stressed that India must be urged to resolve the issue in accordance with the UNSC resolutions.

Both sides agreed that there was a need to resolve the issue peacefully and within the framework of international law.