Pakistan parliament adopts unanimous resolution condemning Indian act


ISLAMABAD (DNA) -Pakistan parliament adopts unanimous resolution condemning Indian act of changing status of occupied Kashmir.Fakhar Imam Chairman Kashmir committee presented the resolution in the house.The resolution condemned Indian act and termed it blatant violation of international law.The resolution added, the Indian act seeks to put the regional peace in jeorpardy.Parliament also demanded immediate release of Kashmiri leadership calling upon the international community to take note of Indian brutalities.

Resolution (7th August, 2019)

Resolution of the Joint Session of the Parliament of Pakistan on the Illegal Actions taken by the Indian Government regarding Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir The Joint Session of the Parliament unanimously condemns the illegal, unilateral, reckless and coercive attempt by India to alter the disputed Status of Indian Occupied Kashmir as enshrined in the UNSC resolutions and other regressive measures to change its demographic structure (through repeal and revocation of Article 35(A) of the Indian Constitution) by the Indian Government and the recent surge in unprovoked firing and shelling on unarmed civilian population across the Line of Control and use of cluster bombs by Indian forces in Azad Jammu and Kashmir; deployment of additional troops and atrocities in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and other recent developments. Stresses that Jammu & Kashmir is an internationally recognized dispute on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council and categorically states that these illegal Indian steps do not and cannot alter the disputed status of the Jammu and Kashmir; Opposes Indian plans to alter the demographic composition of IOK, as well as take away protected, inherent and established rights of the people of Jammu Kashmir to citizenship, permanent residence, acquisition of property, employment and education as provided under the repealed Article 35(A) of the Indian Constitution, in contravention of the UN Security Council resolutions on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, and the international humanitarian law; States that forcible transfer of population and demographic changes in the occupied territory constitute war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide under the 4th Geneva Convention; Stresses that irresponsible and aggressive actions by India pose a grave threat to peace, security and stability in South Asia; Reaffirms and upholds the inalienable right to self-determination of the people of Jammu & Kashmir as enshrined in the UN Security Council resolutions and as protected by international law; Underlines that there are three parties to the Jammu and Kashmir dispute – Pakistan, India and the people of Jammu and Kashmir – and that the people of the Jammu and Kashmir have yet to exercise their 2 free will through a plebiscite to determine their political future as mandated by the UN Security Council resolutions; Recalls that the relevant UNSC resolutions clearly state that the final disposition of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute will be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite under the auspices of the United Nations; Emphasizes that the enforcement and legitimacy of resolutions of the UNSC can never be diluted by unilateral actions; Expresses grave concern over the massive clampdown in IOK through additional massive deployment of 180,000 troops in recent months in IOK, which is already the most militarized zone in the world; Condemns the imposition of curfew in IOK, arrest of Kashmiri leaders and suspension of communication services including internet and mobiles; and demands immediate release of Kashmiri leaders subjected to torture and inhumane treatment; Further condemns the intensified ceasefire violations by the Indian Army and use of banned cluster ammunition targeting innocent civilians including children along the LOC; Forewarns the international community about any false flag operations to malign Pakistan in the context of “terrorism”; Asserts that the people and armed forces of Pakistan remain vigilant and prepared to respond firmly to any misadventure by India across the LOC/Working Boundary; Condemns the gross and systematic violations of human rights by India in IOK, as independently and comprehensively documented in two separate reports issued by the OHCHR in June 2018 and July 2019; the report of the British All Party Parliamentary Group on Kashmir; and several reports of international human rights organizations; Reaffirms Pakistan’s political, diplomatic and moral support to the people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir for the realization of their legitimate right to self-determination; Declares that the people of Pakistan will always stand shoulder-toshoulder with the people of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir in their valiant struggle against Indian oppression; 3 Demands that India stops brutalization of the people of IOK through killings, torture, arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, mass blinding by pellet guns, and use of rape as an instrument of war; Demands that India lifts its information blockade and communications blackout in IOK, ends its prolonged curfew regime, stops its ruthless cordon and search operations, immediately releases the Kashmiri leadership and restores civil liberties and fundamental freedoms of the people of Jammu and Kashmir; Demands that India honours its own commitment to the UN Security Council, Kashmiris and International Community. Calls upon the UN Security Council to take cognizance of the killings and massacres in IOK that pose a serious threat to peace and security in the region; Urges the UN Human Rights Council to constitute a Commission of Inquiry to investigate gross and consistent human rights violations in IOK being committed by the Indian occupation forces with impunity under the cover of the two draconian laws – the Armed Forces and Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and the Public Safety Act – as recommended by the two reports of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; Calls upon the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation to convene an extraordinary High Level Session immediately to take cognizance of India’s illegal and unilateral actions in IOK, work with the United Nations for an end to repression in IOK and a lasting resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute as per the UN Security Council resolutions and wishes of the Kashmiri people; Urges the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and world Parliaments to censure the Indian Parliament’s role in violating UNSC resolutions and facilitation of unlawful actions in IOK; Reiterates the strong conviction of Pakistan that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute would be resolved only through dialogue and diplomacy and in accordance with international law; and asks India to discard the highly perilous path of military coercion, war-mongering, state terrorism and brute force in the occupied territory; Calls upon the International Community to warn India to refrain from undertaking any irresponsible, unilateral actions that may lead to a dangerous escalation that will have far reaching impact not only for South Asia but the entire world.