Tajikistan’s Chairmanship in Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Forum for Security Co-operation


Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) with 57 participating States in North America, Europe and Asia, is the world’s largest regional security organization.The OSCE works for stability, peace and democracy for more than a billion people, through political dialogue about shared values and through practical work that makes a lasting difference.The Forum for Security Co-operation(FSC) is one of the OSCE’s two main regular decision-making bodies. Leaders at the 1992 Helsinki Summit of the Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe – the OSCE’s predecessor – established the Forum for Security and Co-operation to strengthen the focus on politico-military security by providing for negotiations and consultations on military security and stability in the CSCE area.

The Forum focuses on the politico-military dimension of security, including the confidence- and security-building measures that were first outlined in the 1975 Helsinki Final Act and further developed in the CSCE and OSCE.

The Forum Chairmanship rotates among the OSCE participating States, with each State holding the FSC Chairmanship for four months.

Tajikistan has become OSCE participating state in 1992 and for the first time held the chairmanship of the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation from May to August 2019.

Since assuming the Chairmanship by Tajikistan seven Security Dialogues on the following topics, have been conducted:

– the first Security Dialogue on the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 titled “A Resolution of increasing importance in the present period of eroding security”;

– the second Security Dialogue was dedicated to the Politico-Military Aspects of Border Security and Management titled “Challenges and opportunities of the regional approach in Central Asia”;

– the third Security Dialogue on the topic of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 titled “lead-up to the 20th anniversary – let us work towards closing the implementation gap”;

– the fourth Security Dialogue titled “Small arms and light weapons (SALW) / stockpiles of conventional ammunition (SCA) practical assistance projects in Central Asia”;

-the fifth Security Dialogue under the title “The role of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) in regional security”

– the synergies between the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the European Union and the OSCE were on the agenda of our sixth Security Dialogue. This meeting was conducted with the high-level keynote speakers – the SCO Secretary General;

-the seventh and last Security Dialogue with a title of “Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) efforts in support of the OSCE commitments in the politico-military dimension of security”.

In addition, together with the Slovak OSCE Chairmanship a joint Meeting of the FSC and the Permanent Council on the Structured Dialogue was held.

Tajikistan was honored to chair the Eighth Annual Discussion on the Implementation of the Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security.

In the framework of its FSC Chairmanship Tajikistan chaired the working session III on “Conventional arms control and confidence and security building measures: challenges and opportunities” duringthe 2019 Annual Security Review Conference under the Slovak OSCE Chairmanship.

Recalling the main tasks and priorities of the Tajik FSC Chairmanship, it should be noted that Tajikistan has fulfilled its responsibilities in good faith, supporting genuine dialogue and further improving the mechanisms for ensuring transparency and predictability in the military sphere. Chairing this important Forum for the first time was indeed a historic and significant milestone and a productive experience for the Republic of Tajikistan.