Pakistan observes first ever UN international day of sign languages


ISLAMABAD, SEP 23 (DNA): First ever UN international day of sign languages was observed. It will followed by International Week of DEAF till 30th September 2018.DEAF week was celebrated as last week of September since long but International deaf sign language IDSL is announced for the very first time.

DEAF round the globe are happy on this achievement to set further goals of right based life opportunities with dignity.

Round the world DEAF love to be identified as DEAF but unfortunately in  Pakistan particularly at capital Islamabad we still carry on medical terms of disability like Hearing Impaired …. Which receives sheer criticism from the Deaf community.

DEAF community is also known as world’s biggest minority as they are distinct in culture which as sign language as the basic wheel.

This minority in statistics equals to 360 million people on Earth meaning 5% of total world’s population according to WHO.

yesterday in Super Market F-6 a mobile fast food Dhaba ” Abey Khao” run by all DEAF, celebrated IDSL by holding play cards and people from civil society including women and children joined them in celebrations.

State and Civil Society together with deaf people organizations need to chalk down goal oriented plans and expedite the efforts to materialize the commitments made by Pakistan in ratification of United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities UNCRPD which was signed by President of Pakistan in 2011.=DNA
