French president part ways with his partner


He told the state-run news agency that their “shared life” had ended.Two weeks ago a magazine published photos which appeared to show Mr Hollande had been having an affair with an actress, Julie Gayet.Ms Trierweiler spent a week in hospital after the revelations. On Saturday evening she tweeted her thanks to the “wonderful staff” at the Elysee Palace.She said she “would never forget their devotion or the emotion at the time of departure”.
Thus ends a remarkable emotional saga that has captivated the French – and the world – for the last two weeks. It was probably inevitable that it would end like this, with Valerie Trierweiler quitting the Elysee.

But the lack of any official communication had given rise to all sorts of rumours. Right until Francois Hollande came out with his personal statement breaking their relationship, it was impossible to rule out a reconciliation.

What happens now? Well, the president has not said it publicly, but his entourage have passed on the message: for the time being there will be no replacement for the ex-first lady. Indeed, Mr Hollande is said to regret ever elevating Ms Trierweiler to the position in the first place, as her unease in the role clearly posed problems from the start.