Brazil becoming a Technology giant


Everyone is aware of Brazil’s successful economic history. Since 2011, Brazil has become the 6th largest world economy, after overlapping the UK. Brazil has made a sharp turnaround from 1994, with the establishment of the “Real Plan” which has been successful since then in promoting development, taming inflation and stabilizing the economy.

Among some of the major steps taken by the Brazilian Government over the last 15 years to ensure economic growth are: emphasis on self-reliance, maximum utilization of the country’s own natural resources and consistencies in the economic policies; attraction of foreign investments; taming inflation; development of alternate energy sources; the implementation of very develop and inclusive Social Programs, aimed at increasing people’s revenues, and many others.
Now, in order to become not only one of the richest nations, but also one of the most developed, Brazil is underscoring the importance of Educations and Science and Technology. Following, you will be able to read about the development of Science and Technology in Brazil, and some of the policies developed towards the issue.
The Ambassador of Brazil to Pakistan Mr. Alfredo Leoni in his special interview on the very subject said that his country was well on road to becoming a high-tech state. He said, “Developing science and technology and trying to boost innovation is the way Brazil can continue on the development path. The world economy today is driven by innovation and technology improvement, and to remain competitive, it is absolutely necessary to develop technology. That is why Brazil is focusing on education, especially on the areas of technology. We have been investing, for example, in the development of computer chips of fully national technology, and this has been a very successful program. Brazil has also recently launched a large program called “Science without borders”, which will offer a hundred thousand scholarships with a focus on technology’.
The ambassador also talked about Pakistan-Brazil relations and hoped both countries will be able to intensify cooperation in various fields including science and technology. “We have been working hard to strengthen our educational cooperation with Pakistan. Brazil is also eager to share knowledge and technology with other developing countries, and we are working on that with Pakistan. One example of this is in the area of social policies: we are sending Pakistani experts to Brazil to learn about our successful programs so that Pakistan could also work on its own policies. Another very important tool is the Brazilian Program for Exchange Students, which has started benefiting Pakistan in 2012”.